
We will keep on improving the performance of the system and monitoring things.

Please get back to us with any feedback to keep improving.

Find out about our latest changes.

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Bug Fixes
  • Fixed print page In invoice reception, to show the audit amount when the receipt status and partly are uploaded.
  • Fixed Credit Card Payments issue.
  • Fixed Claims issue.
  • Fixed print one by one policy issue.
  • Added commission type to Agencies: (Agencies Commission are dued upon either the issuance or partilal/full payment).
  • Updated invoice reception list page / Invoice number added.
  • Now you can create contracts for groups up to unlimited beneficiaries.
  • Added the insured age to the policy.
  • Added the number of adherents in a group policy when issuing.

  • Added the percentage of loading premium.

  • Added Agency group into financial and production report.

Coming Up Next
  • Add Feature: favorite email in page Agency.

  • Allow editing the commission table in plans module.

  • Add access to Tasks.

  • Add search to Notes in module travel certificate.

Global claim search

Now you can search for any claim in any tenant you work on. The page will also switch to the right tenant to allow editing the claim if needed.

Global Contract search

Now you can search for any contract in any tenant you work on. The page will also switch to the right tenant to allow creating a new claim if needed.